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How To

Create A Pitch Deck


Keet Van Zyl, founder of and partner at Knife Capital, shares valuable tips on how to create a pitch deck for investors.


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About This Recipe


Bringing your business to the attention of the right people is a big part of making it successful. To grow and make an impact, you need funding and strategic advice - and the first step towards securing these is a pitch deck that will get you noticed.

Enter Keet Van Zyl, founder of and partner at Knife Capital and an experienced venture capitalist who knows what a successful pitch entails.

In this recipe, Keet shares a step-by-step guide to creating a pitch deck. From opening to closing, from sequencing your slides to understanding your target audience, he discusses it all. The themes that arise again and again are to keep it simple, be clear about who you are and what you do, and say what it is you want.

Cover These 10 Steps


  • Step 1: Understand Your Audience

  • Step 2: Define Your Key Message

  • Step 3: Structure Your Pitch Deck

  • Step 4: Hook Your Audience With A Strong Opening

  • Step 5: Describe The Problem 

  • Step 6: Present Your Solution

  • Step 7: Showcase The Market Opportunity

  • Step 8: Highlight Your Team

  • Step 9: Present Your Financials

  • Step 10: End With A Strong Call To Action 

Is This The Recipe For You?

Watch these videos to understand, who our Heavy Chef is, what the topic is, what mistakes entrepreneurs often make when it comes to this topic as well as the benefits it brings.


Take The Challenge


In this challenge, use your newfound knowledge to Create a Pitch Deck for your startup.  


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Watch Keet's bites on creating a pitch deck.


Apply the knowledge from each of the ten steps in each question contained in the challenge to help you complete your pitch deck.


Share your answers via email for the opportunity to get some  Heavy Chef advice. [email protected].

Live Recipe

Are you struggling with this topic? Join Keet LIVE, where he will answer your questions to assist you in your journey.

Secure Your Spot 

Live Recipe: Keet van Zyl - 2 August 2023 18:00.









Who Is Our Heavy Chef?

Keet Van Zyl has over 20 years of investment experience in private equity, banking and venture capital. He co-founded Knife Capital in 2010 to scale South African high-growth businesses globally and worked at industry-leading companies such as Procter & Gamble, Investec Bank and ‘Here Be Dragons’ (HBD) Venture Capital.

Keet is on the board of the Southern African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (SAVCA) and is passionate about building the early-stage funding ecosystem in Africa.


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