Dr. Lynelle Hoeks
Exercise Habits
Sports physician and entrepreneur Dr. Lynelle Hoeks outlines the steps you can take to improve your exercise regime and, ultimately, your output as an entrepreneur.
Tuck InDr Lynelle Hoeks has always had a love for sport and the outdoors. She works at Cape Sports Medicine in Newlands, is a surgical assistant in General, Orthopaedic and Plastic surgery, and runs her own practice - HouseDoc - doing GP house calls in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town. She is currently completing her specialisation as a Sports Physician through the University of Cape Town.
10 Tasty Bites
Below is a preview of what you can expect to learn in this recipe.
1 - Where Did Your Passion For Exercise And Movement Originate?
2 - Why Do You Believe Movement And Exercise Is So Beneficial?
3 - What Does 'Exercise' Mean And How Much Does One Need?
4 - How Do You Structure Your Personal Exercise Regime?
5 - Why Should Entrepreneurs Prioritise Exercise?
6 - How Can An Entrepreneur Formulate An Exercise Plan?
7 - What Are The Benefits Of Investing In Healthy Habits?
8 - Can You Share Your 6-Part Recipe For A Great Exercise Plan?
9 - How Does Exercise Help Improve Sleep?
10 - How Can Entrepreneurs Educate Themselves About Physical Exercise?
About This Recipe
A healthy entrepreneur is a prerequisite for a sustainable business. To go the long mile with your business venture, you need to be mentally and physically fit enough to handle the work and stress that comes with the territory. Sports physician and wellness expert Lynelle Hoeks shares her recipe for an effective exercise regime.
What You'll Learn
In this recipe, you will learn how to incorporate the benefits of exercise into your life as an entrepreneur.

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