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How To

Craft A Brand Strategy


Dr Carla Enslin, Co-founder and Head of Postgraduate Studies and Research at the IIE-Vega School, unpacks how to craft a brand strategy.


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About This Recipe


“People build brands as birds build nests.” This thought-provoking quote (and image) is but one of the tools that Dr Carla Enslin, head of the academic team at IIE-Vega, uses to help entrepreneurs come to grips with what a brand strategy is and how to craft one.

Time and again, in this recipe, she returns to your venture’s reason for being as the foundation of everything, including your brand and the system that should be built around it. Carla unpacks the concept of touchpoints or points of connection between your business and its stakeholders, and explains their centrality to your brand strategy.

She also shares the value of thinking about all touchpoints as moments of truth capable of reinforcing or diluting your brand promise, and the need to understand that not all stakeholders wield equal influence in and over your business.

Cover These 10 Steps


  • Step 1: Position Your Approach To ‘Brand’ 
  • Step 2: Build Your Brand Identity System 
  • Step 3: Align Your Brand Identity System And Your Brand Architecture 
  • Step 4: Align Your Brand Ecosystem 
  • Step 5: Invest In Your Internal Brand 
  • Step 6: Develop A Touchpoint Strategy 
  • Step 7: Instill A Stakeholder Orientation And Prioritise Your Key Stakeholder Groups 
  • Step 8: Conduct Brand Touchpoint Audits
  • Step 9: Build Your Brand Metric
  • Step 10: Invest In A Creative Culture

Is This The Recipe For You?

Watch these videos to understand, who our Heavy Chef is, what the topic is, what mistakes entrepreneurs often make when it comes to this topic as well as the benefits it brings.


Take The Challenge


In this challenge, start taking the steps to craft your brand strategy by establishing your brand identity.


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Watch Carla's bite on building your brand identity.


Ask yourself: 

  1. What is the purpose of the venture?
  2. What are the values of this venture?


Share your answers via email for the opportunity to get some  Heavy Chef advice [email protected].

Live Recipe

Are you struggling with this topic? Join Dr Carla LIVE, where she will answer your questions to assist you in your journey.

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Live Recipe: Dr Carla Enslin - 12 July 2023 18:00.









Who Is Our Heavy Chef?

Dr Carla Enslin heads the academic team at IIE-Vega School, an educational brand  of the IIE. IIE-Vega delivers qualifications in design, brand and business studies. Carla’s interest and experience in brand building includes the design and implementation of brand identity systems, brand alignment and contact strategies. She lectures widely in Africa and abroad and conducts corporate training, consulting and coaching. She is also a programme manager and supervisor for the Master of Arts and the Doctorate in Brand Leadership at IIE-Vega, a published academic researcher, and an elective teaching fellow on building brands in emerging markets at the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business.


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