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Connect and learn with your fellow entrepreneurs in a support programme dedicated to help businesses grow.

Grow As An Entrepreneur.

Master the mental and practical skills to lead your business.

Grow As A Business.

Tuck into actionable steps to strengthen and expand your business. 

Grow As A Community.

Unite with other entrepreneurs to create a supportive business environment.

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Featured Recipes 

Here are some of the Chefs you'll be learning from over the next 10 weeks.

Tshepo Kgapane, product lead at WaFunda and an advocate of youth financial education, shares valuable tips on how to do this.

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Dominique shares insights on developing and implementing efficient systems using Google Suites.

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Sasha Knott shares not only where you find good people, but how to do it in the most cost- and time-effective ways.

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Ghameeda unpacks the logistics and formalities behind registering your business and staying compliant.

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Keitumetse, Managing Director of I AM AN ENTREPRENEUR, is a fountain of information on SME development and funding.

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Ncumisa shares her story from selling chicken to becoming one of the fastest-growing spinach suppliers in the Cape.

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Jade, former brand manager of Sorbet, reveals what it takes to build a brand steeped in purpose and culture.

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Cora, an experienced investment strategist, reveals how to attract investors to your business.

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João sheds light on how corporates and startups can contribute to each other’s success.

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John, keynote speaker, futures strategist and bestselling author admits to not knowing what the future holds, but he has no doubts about the skills we need to live in it.

Tuck In

“What Heavy Chef is doing is priceless. I gained so much – the recipes, the engagement… I don’t think there is another platform currently that can give me this.“
Loyiso Nabe, Nabe Home Living.

“Thank you, Heavy Chef team, for paving a way for us (SMME) entrepreneurs, we are truly grateful and this experience of learning and putting things to action has been like no other experience.”
Sefudi Boitumelo Tau, Tai Sefudi Farms.


Why Are Heavy Chef Recipes So Highly Regarded? 

One Tasty Recipe.
Ten Tiny Bites. 

Each Heavy Chef recipe is made up of ten focused 'learning bites' of five minutes or less. 

For Entrepreneurs.
By Entrepreneurs. 

Continually focusing on the needs of our ever-growing community of entrepreneurs. 

Access Anytime. Anywhere. Anyhow. 

As long as you have an internet-enabled device, you can digest a tasty learning bite. 

Not yet a member? Sign up here.


Learn from someone who speaks from a position of real authority, perspective and experience.


Implement practical tips and techniques learned in the trenches - doing, rather than talking.


Join a cohort of like-minded entrepreneurs in our growing community and share your learnings as you go.

Want Even More?

Heavy Chef has thousands of learning bites, just like these. Search from technology, leadership and creativity topics, served up by the heaviest chefs in the world. 

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