
Challenge - Conduct A Competitive Analysis

Join Mosa Ntwampe, Group Head: Marketing & Corporate Communications at Sakhumnotho Group Holdings, as he unpacks how to create a brand identity. Watch his bite on Conducting A Competitive Analysis, and then answer the below questions:

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Question 1 of 8

List your competitors

Categorize the companies you identify into direct and indirect competitors.


Direct competitors provide similar products or services to a target market similar to yours. Indirect competitors provide different products or services (though ones that land in the same category as yours) to a target market similar to yours.


Question 2 of 8

Identify their target markets

To determine your competitors' target markets, try the following:


Study their mission statement. Analyze their voice and tone. Pay attention to their social media engagement (how do they engage).

Question 3 of 8

Unpack their 4 P's

Competitive market analysis requires you to analyze your competitors' four P's of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion.

Question 4 of 8

Make note of their most popular content

The goal is to identify which content types get the most traffic or engagement.

Question 5 of 8

Conduct a final SWOT analysis: What are your Strengths (S) - look internally at your company.

Question 6 of 8

Conduct a final SWOT analysis: What are your weaknesses (W) - look internally at your company

Question 7 of 8

Conduct a final SWOT analysis: What are your Opportunities (O) - look externally at the industry and market.

Question 8 of 8

Conduct a final SWOT analysis: What are your threats (T) - look externally to the industry and market.

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